Power lies at the crux of evil. Striving for power has been an endless game of humanity, and fear is it's opposite and equal force. Why does one have to fight to be right? Is it not power over another individual? Do the "right" not see the fear their new power inflict on the "wrong?" One gets an emotional high of being right, of knowing the "right" answer, of proving someone wrong. This seeps into society and creates a gap between the intelligent, and the unintelligent, gay and straight, women and men. Which seeps back into individuals creating a gap between sister and brother, wife and husband, teacher and student. Once someone becomes "right" and the other becomes "wrong" love cannot exist between the two individuals. What someone had to offer the other is now gone and void. Humanity is constantly searching for "the answer." People search for these "answers" in religion, politics, science, literature, music, etc. Once we seem to find an answer, we want to share this answer with others, but then comes the temptation to be "right," and instead of listening openly to the others perspective, we disregard it totally, or argue they are wrong and then at best pity and avoid them, and at worst act violently toward them. Every civil rights issue has gone down this route. Can you not see it? Some argue that society will be damned if it keeps accepting diversity. I cannot imagine a world where people meet others of different backgrounds, race, sexuality, religion, and when accepted as they are, they do anything but create harmony, peace, and may even learn a thing or two.
With this being said, obviously the right for LGBT's to marry is the hottest topic on the civil rights table that dominated the 1900's and seeped into the new millennium. What else have we wanted that other civil rights fighters have wanted but to be treated the same as the majority? To enjoy the same rights, benefits, and freedoms as our peers, as our sisters and brothers, as our parents? Why do those who seek to be "right" and reign over us try to negate us of this? What and who are we harming by yearning for these same freedoms? I just got done watching Iron Jawed Angels for the 10th time. This movie depicts the Women's Suffrage Movement in America that gave woman the right to vote. Alice Paul's speech in the jail that she was unjustly held at always tugs my heart. A psychiatrist asked her why she was there, and why she was choosing to engage in a hunger strike to prove her point that women should have the right to vote. This was her answer:
"You asked me to explain myself. I just wonder what needs to be explained. Let me be very clear. Look into your own heart. I swear to you, mine's no different. You want a place in the trades and professions where you can earn your bread? So do I. You want some means of self expression? Some way of satisfying your own personal ambitions? So do I. You want a voice in the government in which you live? So do I. What is there to explain? "
If I were as brave as Alice Paul, and I assure you that I am not, I would offer a similar speech:
"You want me to explain myself. If you look deep into your heart, the center of your being, I promise mine would be the same. You want to experience life with the person you love? So do I. You want to be able to visit your spouse in the hospital and hold their hand while they are afraid? So do I. You want to be able to have the security of knowing that your spouse will be taken care of after you have left this world? So do I. What is there to explain?"
So, I ask you what is better: Power, or Relationship, Hate or Love, War or Peace? You decide.