"Fear Leads to Anger, Anger to Hate, Hate to Suffering..."-Yoda
These are wise words from the most famous Jedi Master. Oh how we could all learn some humility and gain a mutual wisdom from his words. We set ourselves on opposite sides of the bridge of love and our fear of each other, whatever opposite our feeble minds may create, builds a barrier of animosity. If only we could open our minds...clear them as the Jedi suggests...we could exist in harmony together. We could allow the light side of the force to emanate a passageway into the darkness that is ultimately benign. Benign because ultimately, no matter our background, our upbringing, our biology, our nature, our nurture; we ALL deal with similar life choices, consequences, tasks, rites of passage, etc. If we could only open our eyes, look past our fear, our anger, our hate; we would see a mutual understanding of our journey as human beings: to learn, to grow, to choose, to fail, to succeed, to be alone, to love, to exist - in all that entails, and we would build each other up, and not continue to beat each other down. May we be mindful, may we be patient, may we be ever intentional to follow Yoda's insight so that we can evade the suffering of the dark force, no matter how alluring it is in the present moment.