Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Grieve Your Own Way

   Grieving death is a unique experience. Some may eat a galleon of ice cream, drink a bottle of wine, and look at photos of their loved one while crying hysterically. Others may gather together with close friends and family, eat tons of food, listen to beautiful music, and remember the good times. No matter how we grieve, it's important to know that it is never acceptable to shame the way others grieve. We all experience the world differently, even if we are part of the same culture. How we deal with, and process, experiences varies from person to person. And there is nothing wrong with that. 
Death of a loved one causes great sorrow and emotional pain. There is no book titled How To Deal With Death for Dummies; nor is there a Guide to the Rules of Funerals for Idiots. I honestly wish there were, but at the same time, I'm fine with dealing with death and loss my own way. 

David McNeely, Sr., (aka, "Pops") c. 1940